Monday, December 9, 2013

Winter Training: 12/9-12/29

Training through the winter can be a rewarding challenge.

If you still need a break from Cross Country season, consult with Coach Shaw or Coach Hoyal individually as there is a more "recovery"-based plan available. The following is for those who are 100% healthy and motivated to go after some fast indoor times. Note that the below represents a two-week cycle in which all training elements are progressed either in volume or intensity. Races can be substituted for workouts as needed based on the indoor schedule.

BE SURE YOU ARE RUNNING ON THE WEEKENDS AND ON SNOW DAYS! Injuries often occur when you stress your body on Friday with a workout and don't do anything over the weekend to repair damaged tissue and loosen the muscles through light aerobic exercise. Even 15min of jogging has value. You can't even begin a video game in that time period, so you might as well be running!

Good luck for a successful winter!

500m-1000m Group

Week A

Mon, 12/9- Speed Development: 6-12x 150m Accelerations, building in volume across the winter; maybe put cones every 50m? jog 250m between each

Tues- Technique and Strength: Sets of Team Form Drills, building in volume; also plyometrics in this fashion- Sets of (10x Rocket Jumps, 10x Wide-Outs, 10x Saggital Splits, 10x Single Leg Hops on a forgiving surface)

Wed- Direct Aerobic Support: 6-12x 400m @ 3200-1600m Pace w/ 200m recovery Jogs; build in volume at the same pace; can use 'Hammer' reps here at 5 and 10 if desired

Thurs- Easy Aerobic Run of 40-50min

Fri- Power: Moderate 30-40min + 6-10x 80m Max Hill Sprints w/ Full Recovery

Sat- Competition or Long Run of 50-70min

Sun- Rest

Week B

Mon, 12/16- (Lactic Endurance)- 200m @ 800m Pace, 300m @ 800m Pace, 400m @ 800m Pace, 600m @ 1600m Pace, 3x 200m 'Fast'; LONG recoveries; use the same rep distances, but monitor speed across the winter

Tues- Same as last week

Wed- Competition or Special Aerobic Support as 5K Tempo on Track @ 90% Effort (monitor speed across winter, looking for improvement)

Thurs- Easy Recovery 30-40min

Fri- Competition or Hills: 4-10x 60-90sec Hill Repeats with Downhill Recovery Jogs

Sat- Long Run

Sun- Rest

1000m-3200m Group

Mon, 12/9- EZ 40min + 8-12x 200m Fast Hill Repeats on Heustess Hill w/ 2:00 Recovery Jogging, Colorado Leg Circuit Post-Run (begin with eight, build to twelve)

Tues- EZ 40-50min, Core

Wed- Aerobic Power: Standard WU, 5K Tempo on Track @ Anaerobic Threshold Pace (5K PR Pace + 30sec per mile) OR 20x 30sec 'Fast'/30sec 'Moderate' on Grass or Greenway, WD

Thurs- EZ 40min, Core

Fri- Long Run of 60-80min w/ Final 8-10min 'Fast' (competitive effort)

Sat- Recovery Run (30-40min)

Sun- Recovery Run or Rest

Mon, 12/16- Speed Endurance or Race: WU, 5-8x 500m @ 3200-1600m Pace w/ 400m Recovery Jogs, WD + CLC

Tues- EZ 40-50min, Core

Wed- EZ 50min, 6-10x 10sec Max Hill Sprints w/ Full Recovery

Thurs- Strength Endruance: WU, 2-5x Canova Hill Circuit (as we did during XC season on Kennedy Trails), WD

Fri- EZ 30-40min, Core

Sat- Group Easy Long Run of 60-90min at Moses Cone, Robie Green, Rail Road Grade, etc. (Captains Organize)

Sun- Recovery Run or Rest