This block will kick-off outdoor track season for the distance group (800-3200m). For now, everyone's goal is to log two solid weeks of fundamental work together before moving on to the more specific event training to come.
Monday, 2/17 (Strength-Endurance)- EZ 30min, 2-3x Kennedy Trails Hill Circuit w/ 5:00 Recovery Between Each, Easy Warm-Down
Tues- EZ 30-45min, Core, AIS
Wed (Pace Practice)- Standard Warm-Up (Easy 15min, Skips, Drills, Strides), 8x 200m @ 1600m Pace w/ 200m Recovery Jogs, Warm-Down
Thurs- EZ 30-45min, Core, AIS
Fri (Endurance)- Long Run of Moderate 60-80min
Sat- Recovery 30min
Sun- Recovery 30min
Mon, 2/24 (Aerobic Power)- WU, 5K Tempo @ 90% of 3200m Pace (Track or Greenway), WD
Tues- EZ 30-45min, Core, AIS
Wed (Lactic Power)- EZ 30min, 5x 60sec Very Fast Hill Repetitions w/ 4min Recovery Jogs, WD
Thurs- EZ 30-45min, Core, AIS
Fri (Strength Endurance)- WU, 4-6x 400m Track Circuits, WD
Track Circuit- Lower Body or Core Exercise, 300m 'Fast', 50m Jog, LB or Core Exercise, 50m Walk, Repeat
Sat- Recovery 30min
Sun- Rest Day