Monday, January 27, 2014

Training for State! 1/27-2/8

This block is for our state qualifiers in the 1600m and 3200m. Training for the remainder of this week following the meets if you do not qualify for state will be easy running for 30-50min to recover from indoor season.

Mon, 1/27- Meet (1600m?) or Easy 45min + 8x200m Fast Hill Climbing with Jog Down Recovery (think, controlled speed)

Tues- Easy 40-50min, Core, AIS

Wed (Lactate Dynamics + Power)- WU, 4x (400m @ 3200m Goal Pace, 100m Float, 400m @ 3200m Pace, 100m Float) w/ EZ 3:00 Recovery Between Sets, EZ 5:00, 1x Long Hill at Max Effort, WD + CLC

Note: The "Floats" here are not jogging. They should be brisk, roll-on recoveries.

Thurs- Moderate Long Run of 60-70min, Core, AIS

Fri- Easy 30-40min

Sat (Speed Endurance)- Longer Warm-Up, 200m, 300m, 400m, 400m, 500m, 600m @ 1600m Pace w/ 90-120sec Jog Recovery Between Each, Longer WD w/ Light Strides

Sun- Rest Day

Mon- Easy 50min, Core, AIS

Tues (Sharpening)- WU, 15x 30sec 'Fast'/30sec 'Moderate' on the Greenway, Jog Back on Track, 2x 400m @ Goal 3200m Pace w/ 200m Recovery Jogs, WD

Wed- Easy 40min, Core, AIS

Thurs- Easy 30min, AIS

Fri- Easy 30min w/ Light Strides

Sat- State Meet!!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Distance Training: 1/13-1/31

Mon, 1/13- Speed + Lactic Power: Longer Warm-Up, 10x 200m @ 1600m-800m Pace w/ 200m Recovery Jogs Between Each, jog down to base of hill to the track, 1x Full Hill @ Maximal Effort from the stop sign to the gate, EZ 10min Warm-Down

1/14- EZ 40min, Core, AIS

1/15- Long Run of 70-80min; Colorado Leg Circuit

1/16- EZ 40min, Core, AIS

1/17- Meet

1/18- EZ Running (30-45min)

1/19- EZ Running (30-45min)

1/20- Speed: Warm-Up, 2x 400m, 300m, 200m, 100m @ 1600-400m Pace (EZ 60sec Between Reps, EZ 3:00 Between Sets), WD + Core

1/21- EZ 30-40min, Core, AIS

1/22- EZ 30min, 6x100m Strides on Infield

1/23- EZ 30min, AIS

1/24- Meet or EZ 40min

1/25- Meet or EZ 40min

1/26- Rest

1/27- Meet or Long Run of 70-80min

We will assess training at this point based on state qualifiers. There will be two training routes- one towards the state Indoor meet, one towards Outdoor season- but they will reconverge on February 9.